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Digital Forensics

We have performed hundreds of investigations, identified thousands of data sources and facilitated preservation of electronically stored information (ESI). We routinely analyze digital evidence for a variety of cases and prepared fact-based forensic reports.

Computer Forensics

Recover the deepest artifact data from common operating systems and get the most relevant starting points for your case. We drill down into digital evidence, find more
data, and verify source locations.

Mobile Device Forensics

Lawfully access locked devices and collect data from a broad range of mobile devices such as Android or Apple phones, tablets, drones, etc. to preserve crucial evidence.


Locate and restore deleted files, emails, text messages on computers, mobile devices and other digital media.

expert Testimony

Provide testimony in court or depositions on digital
forensic subjects such as  analysis, data integrity, methodology and validity.

Our Clients Are




Law Firms

Government Building

Government Agencies

People Working in Open Office



  • Intellectual property theft

  • Trade secret investigations

  • Corporate espionage

  • Financial fraud

  • Cybersecurity root cause analysis (RCA)

  • Brand management

  • Human Resource (HR) violations

  • Employee misconduct

Reviewing the Laws
  • Commercial Litigation

  • Trade Secret Theft

  • Labor Employment Law

  • Intellectual Property Law

  • Family Law

  • Bankruptcy

  • Incident Response

  • Healthcare

  • Real Estate Law

  • Tax Law

  • Personal Identifiable Information (PII)




Our digital forensic services gain insight into evidence that digital devices store for days, weeks or even months after data has been deleted or modified.


Our forensic tools and processes reveal hidden data stored on digital devices. We are able to recover information such as Internet browsing history, Windows registry, USB drive activity, file copy activity, file viewing, hidden or deleted files/photographs, historic versions of files, volatile data in memory and more. We use forensically sound methodologies to collect, preserve and analyze digital evidence to allow our findings to be admitted as evidence.

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